2016 Fall Agenda

Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Field Experience

October 12 – 17, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

          Lv. (from Rhoades Parking Lot)                         6:00 am

 Stops at the following places:


                                                                                           Painted Canyon Overlook

                                                                                           Beach (stop and refuel)

                                                                                           Miles City, Montana (lunch)

                                                                                           Billings, Montana  (refuel)

                                                                                            Livingston, Montana  (grocery shopping)

         Arrive in Gardiner                                                  7:30 pm   (Dinner after checking in)

Thursday, October 13, 2016                         Yellowstone National Park

                                                            6:30 am       Yellowstone Association Pickup

                                                                                During this day, students participate in early morning wildlife watching with

                                                                                high powered optics while learning about the behavior of observed animals.

                                                                                 Students will delve into the concept of Yellowstone’s connected ecosystem

                                                                                and how components of it are managed within park boundaries.  Potential

                                                                                in-field discussions with Wolf Project crew members are dependent on

                                                                                availability. Wildlife watching; Wolf Project Crew;  The Lamar Valley, hike to

                                                                                Wolf Den 09

                                                            3:00 pm        Yellowstone’s Elk and Wildlife Presentation  (Travis Wyman, NPS Biologist)

                                                            4:30 pm       Return to Gardiner

                                                             7:00 pm      Yellowstone in Photos:  Wildlife photography presentation

                                                                                  (Macneil Lyons, wildlife photographer and guide)

                                                             9:00 pm        Blogging

Friday, October 14, 2016                              Yellowstone National Park (Focus:  Climate Change in Yellowstone)

                                                             7:00 am           Scientific research about climate change is ongoing in Yellowstone

                                                                                      National Park.  During this day, students can view a variety of different

                                                                                      locations where signs of climate change are apparent: elk foraging

                                                                                      areas, pika habitat, the Yellowstone and Gardiner River, etc.  Continue to

                                                                                      study Yellowstone wildlife.

                                                            4:00 pm             Return to Gardiner

                                                             7:00 pm            Climate Change on the Landscape: (presentation by Mike Tercek,

                                                                                       climate scientist) also talk on the Trident area of Yellowstone (SE corner)

                                                             9:00 pm           Blogging

Saturday, October 15, 2016                          Yellowstone National Park (Hiking and looking at wildlife)

                                                            7:00 am             Yellowstone Association pickup.

                                                                                     Students will view the signs left by wildlife during this all day hike in

                                                                                      Yellowstone. Your instructor will help students learn to identify tracks

                                                                                     and scat while we traverse through wildlife habitat.

                                                             4:00 pm             Return to Gardiner;  (Boiling River Soak)

                                                              9:00 pm            Blogging

Sunday, October 16, 2016                              Yellowstone National Park  (Exploring the rest of the park)

                                                             8:00 am             Depart for Norris, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Geyser Basins

                                                            12:00                  Lunch on the road

                                                             1:00                   Geyser Basin and Mammoth terraces

                                                             6:00                   Dinner

                                                             9:00                   Blogging

Monday, October 17, 2016                               Homeward Bound

                                                             Tentative arrival in Valley City   (8:30 pm)