Even in the rain the park and Lamar Valley is a place to cherish and learn about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Many of the students commented on an incident which was a first for me. Earlier reports were that a 14 year old by had been bitten by a coyote that habituated to tourists feeding him. It is a sad story that many tourists do not realize that when they feed the wildlife they get used to people feeding them. We almost saw a man unaware that the coyote was walking toward him. Likely he got back to his car as the rangers pepper sprayed the coyote and got the animal moved away so that people would not see that they would have to put it down. The whole idea is not to traumatize the visitors by dispensing it without people watching, there were small children in the parking lot. The overall message is the lost of a coyote that could have been saved had not someone fed the animal with human food. It is difficult for park rangers to assist in keeping Yellowstone wild and natural.