Tabby: Hiking

Today we started off the day by looking and listening to pika. Pika are  small rodents that belongs in the rabbit family. We saw a couple of them scatter across the rocks and took a hike to see if we could find their food storage. We then saw the Junction Butte pack of wolves once more. They got a kill on an animal and we got to witness them feeding on the dead animal. We then started a long hike that roughly 3 miles total. We went up to an elevation of 7,000 while 500ft in roughly .25 miles. We got a steller look at the mountain ranges in the background, and the rolling hills. We then took a short hike to where the Yellowstone and the Lamar river met each other. We ate lunch and did an activity where we had to put ourselves in position for ideas on the park. My project was to manage the water levels from snow melt off the mountains. Lastly we met up with David from University of Montana. He talked about climate change and how it is taking its toll on the park and many other places around the world. Tomorrow is our last day.


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