Emma- Day 2

Today we again started at 7 am for our bison day. We headed into the park to look for bison to conduct a herd count survey. When we found a herd we went out of the bus a head of the herd and walked up a hill behind them then we set up one scope and began to count the number of bison in the herd which turned out to be 36 individuals, but there were no collared individuals so we could not collect a scat sample. We then drove to another spot where there were many people pulled over and then we saw the Junction pack running around a large group of bison on the rendezvous point. After the wolves disappeared we loaded back up into the bus and went looking for mountain goats and moose. We found some mountain goats high up on some mountains. After awhile we went on our hike overlooking the Lamar River we found some black bear tracks on a very muddy section of the path. We then walked down close to the river and had lunch on the rocks that were surrounding the river then hiking back up to the actual hiking trail and finished our hike and went back to the bus to head to the Yellowstone Forever place in Gardiner for the bison presentation. After the presentation we walked back to the motel.

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