This morning, the boys of 302 were quite tuckered out from a long day of hiking and presentations. However, Dalton rallied us and together we made our way out into the bitter cold air. We started off driving towards Hayden Valley in search of the allusive wolf. When we arrived, the group began setting up nikon spotting scopes and scanned the tree line. Unfortunately, the group was unsuccessful in their goal to find the wolf pack. However, we found a couple of bison, elk, and ravens. A couple adjacent to us claimed to find a wolverine, Gary and I had our suspicions. The group moved on and travel down to the Yellowstone Lake. We hiked three miles in meadows and forest while the wind was blowing, creating cold, bitter air. The group noticed chipmunks, bison, squirrels, bald eagles, ducks, and western grebes roaming about the area. Cougar and bear scat was also observed on the trails by Tour Guide Mike. The marched back into the bus where we had lunch and made our way to the geyser basin. The basin was quite stinky and filled with tourists from different parts of the world. I enjoyed seeing the mud pots which were a unique color. After walking the boardwalk, we moved towards a large rock formation in search of pika. The group wasn’t able to locate a pika but many signs were observed under the tree. We rapped up the day by traveling back to Mammoth where we found a large bull elk with all his ladies surrounding him.
Askerooth Day 3
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