The boys of 302 awoke at 7:00am to Nick’s beautiful alarm. We all got dressed and proceeded to eat a breakfast of pancakes, eggs and orange juice. We piled into the van at 8:00am and started the drive to the Grand Prismatic. As we drove we kept an eye out for a grizzly bear sow with cubs that were found in the area. We made it to the parking lot outside of the Grand Prismatic and started a long hike up hill to the viewing area. We made it to the top of the hill where many people spent time taking Instagram photos and enjoying the view. Once all the photos were taken, we marched down the hill and began the three mile hike to Fairy Falls. On the way, our new tour guy, Gary Ketterling pointed out a grizzly bear print. We all were nervous about confronting a bear, especially Gage so we all made sure to make noise. We finally made our way to Fairy Falls and again many photos were taken. Once the photos were taken, we made our way back to the van were we ate lunch and started our drive to Old Faithful. We casually made our way to Old Faithful to discover we had an hour wait until the geyser was going off so everyone walked to the several gift shops. All the items in the store was quite overpriced and not worth the money in my humble opinion but others in the group bought souvenirs. Finally, the group walked to Old Faithful and watched it erupted, which didn’t last long. We left the viewing area and drove back to the hotel until we hit construction which made the trip back last a lot longer. Finally, we made it back to the hotel where half of the group went to the boiling river and the other stayed at the hotel to nap. Now, I am currently watch my Broncos lose to the Giants hopeful the boys from the West can pull out a comeback win.
Askerooth Day 5
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