Today we hiked in Crystal Creek in search of animals. While on the hike we found the skeleton of a bison that had died a year ago. We examined the bones and jaw to establish that I was a bison and that it was most likely a male about 3 years old. After we looked at the bison, on our way back to the bus we saw wolf tracks in the mud that were pretty recent. It was really interesting to learn about how to differentiate between fox, coyote, and wolf tracks. While we were eating lunch a banded raven that was sporting a backpack tracker was very interested in our food. The raven came within a foot of me at the picnic table. It was really cool to be able to see such a beautiful bird so up close in the wild. During our last hike we saw a breath taking waterfall. Today was a great first day to the trip and I’m very excited to see even more scenery and wildlife tomorrow.