Ashley Day 2

Today we began the day in search of bison herds to survey. Unlike yesterday where we saw many bison herds, it took us longer to find them today. Once we finally found a herd that was moving as they were grazing and were low enough on the hill that we could move above them safely, we gathered our things to begin surveying. First we had to count and agree on how many bison were in the herd. After we had agreed that there were 36 bison, we were grouped up to count mature females, mature males, immature males and females, and calves. If one of the bison in the herd would have been collard, then we would have been able to gather a fecal sample to send to the lab to determine what plants they have been grazing on.

After we were done surveying the bison we saw the Junction Butte pack moving towards another bison herd in the Lamar Valley. Even though there are 21 wolves in the pack, we were only able to see 17, 4 of which were pups. It was really interesting to watch the wolves surround the bison herd and start pushing them further right. None of the wolves made any attacks on the bison, as it seemed they were just sizing up the herd as if preparing to attack later.

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