The class (13 students) and myself are about ready to depart for Yellowstone National Park. We will depart at 6:00 am on Wednesday (11th) and return late Monday (16th). We will be looking for wildlife, talking with wildlife experts on wolves,elk and grizzly bears, park naturalists and the general ecology of the area. In addition the students will have an opportunity to talk with a climate change expert and learn about his family’s journey into the most secluded area (the Trident) of Yellowstone National Park. The wolf packs we hope to see are the Canyon Jcts., Lamar, and Wapiti Wolf packs. There have been a lot of grizzly sightings so we are hoping to see grizzly and black bear. We never know what nature allows us to see. Every year there is always something new.
This is my 11th year in taking students to Yellowstone and it is enjoyable to share the experience with another great group of VCSU students.
Continue to visit our blog and feel free to ask questions. Let the adventure begin……
Gary Ketterling
Instructor for Biology 499: Yellowstone Ecology