Yellowstone 2k16 Day 2

The second day of our adventure in Yellowstone was a rainy one. It started off slowly as a result, and we didn’t see much other than bison in the morning. However we headed toward the Cook City entrance and spotted some mountain goats on a very high mountain. I find it amazing how these animals can live on such high cliffs, yet maintain a regular life.

On our way back toward the Lamar valley, we stopped at the rest area and the park rangers were there. We found out that they were there looking for a coyote that had bit a guest earlier in the day. They said that they could not find the coyote however. Then out of nowhere the coyote appeared and snuck up on a guest. This guested everyone in our van to freak out and the park rangers quickly gathered their bear spray and a rifle. They ran over to the animal and sprayed it with the bear spray, then motioned us to leave.

We ended our night with a speaker on climate change. He talked to us about his adventures in the park and many of his hiking trips. I found this to be very interesting, especially because he talked about how much people deny that climate change is happening. He was very helpful in answering questions as well.


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