Yellowstone Day 2

To start the day we went back to Lamar valley in search of bison.  We conducted a herd demographic survey on a smaller group of bison, there were 36 animals in total.  Once that survey was finished we drove farther down the valley, where we found the Junction Butte wolf pack.  This pack has a total of 21 members, in which we had seen 17 of them.  They were walking through a large herd of bison along a shelf on a hillside.  We watched the wolves for about an hour before they trotted over the top of the ridge and out of sight.

Following the wolves, we started to search for moose, mountain goats, and big horn sheep.  We went to a cliff side called Barronette peak.  Here we seen three different mountain goats towards the top of the peak.  Following that, we went for a hike to the junction of the Yellowstone river and the Lamar river confluence where we saw many different mammal signs.  These signs included big horn sheep, black bear, coyote, and wolf.

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