Yellowstone day 3

Today was our wolf day so we had to wake up extra early. Virginia picked us up at 6 am to start the day. early on we spotted a grizzly bear in the Lamar valley. we watched to bear work his way across the flats back up into the timber. after this we continued down the valley towards soda butte in search of moose. unfortunately we were not able to see a moose. on our way back out of the valley we performed another bison demographic. we counted 30 cows 7 juveniles and 5 calves. Shortly after we finished our survey we heard a of a wolf spotting on the radio. we drove to the tip and discovered several wolves far out around boulder. we watched them for a few moments however all we could see was their heads in the sage brush when the sat up. after this we headed to our hiking spot at the buffalo ranch. we hiked a 3 mile round trip the the rose creek acclimation pens. we discovered elk sheds scatted across the ground on the way up. after we finished the hike we finished off our day with a presentation from a wolf biologist.

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