Yellowstone day one

Before arrival i traveled a gruesome 7 hours across the Flat-lands known as North Dakota. Finally after reaching the scenic motherlands of Montana we traveled a far more enjoyable 5 hrs. after this treck we arrived in Gardiner Montana and prepared for and early morning departure by heading for bed. Today we woke up at 7:00 am and met our tour guide Virginia. We explored the north east section of the park. We observed plentyfull amounts of elk and bison with no luck on the predators except a coyote. after we learned to use the scopes and looked for bears we hiked up crystal creek observing the surroundings. We found a dead bison carcass, wolf tracks, beaver damn and enough scat to fill a bus. After this hike we headed to a picnic area and enjoyed 5 star bologna sandwiches witch a crafty pair of ravens. for our final adventure in the park we hiked to a rocky outcropping and performed a pika survey. we concluded their was indeed Pika in the area based on the scat we recorded. after our field your we met up with a climate change scientist. he gave us a very sccientific and delightful presentation on how and why scientist believe the climate is changing. overall i learned about importance of white barked pine, tersal rocks, chance in days below freezing and a few other small notes. cant wait to get back out tomorrow!

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