today we woke up bright and early to start our adventure. Virginia picked us up with the Gus bus at 7 am and we headed to the park. early morning while traveling thru mammoth we saw 2 respectable bull elk strolling the town with their ladies. after that we headed south to the Lamar valley to perform buffalo demographics. once in the valley we found our herd of buffalo close to the road to survey. we counted 37 buffalo in the group. after further analysis we discovered 6 calves, 7 juveniles, 22 cows, and 2 bulls. Unfortunately there was no collared bison so we were unable to perform a scat collection. after leaving the bison survey we found the junction pack harassing wolves in the valley. we observed 17 wolves making their way across the valley doing wolf things. after enjoying the wolves we went looking for mountain goats and successfully discovered 3. to finish our day we hiked to the junction of the Yellowstone river and Lamar river and had our lunch. after leaving the park we listened to a bison presentation to finish out our day.
Photo of our lunch-