Yellowstone Here We Come! 2018

It is time to get the hiking boots and walking stick ready for another adventure in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  As the instructor of Biology 376  Yellowstone Ecology, I am once again excited about our departure to a world surrounded  by nature, biology concepts and ideas, research experts, and a potential for new experiences.  This will be my twelfth year of taking students to Yellowstone.   I have to admit every year is different and I learn something new with each visit. It is fun to see  students have new experiences and work together as a team in a new environment.

The idea to create this experience originated in watching a National Geographic Film titled Wolves: A Legend Returns To Yellowstone.  After viewing the film, I wanted to have a National Geographic experience and better yet take a group of students with me.  After attending a workshop with Doug Smith, one of the original researchers who reintroduced  wolves to Yellowstone in 1995, I was sold that there is so much to learn and experience.  Every year I learn something new and I get to share it with students, so we all learn together.

It is always exciting to take students who have never been to Yellowstone or have never seen the mountains.  A whole new world begins to open up.  This year I am taking two freshman, two education majors and nine Wildlife and Fisheries Majors.  Six students have been with me on previous Yellowstone expeditions.  This year my Biology 111 (60 students) will be joining us on the blog and  working on a special Yellowstone Dilemma Project.  I will share more about the project on future blog postings.

For now it is time to pack up the bags, grab my binoculars and head on out to Yellowstone National Park.  Please join us on the blog. A brief Bio of the students can be found under Current Trip Bios.

Dr. Gary Ketterling

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